Config/Factory/Service/Controller Example
This example provides the usage of following components in angular -js., in a simple example.
The following example provides the details of all the below components, so we can use it for an enterprise application very easily.
- Config
- Factory
- Service
- Constants
- Controller
Config – Config is nothing but the Configuration block which is called during angular-js startup.
- Set a default value in configuration.
- Initialise a factory method in configuration.
- Inject a directive during angular js startup in the application.
Angular JS(Config/factory/Service/controller) Example:
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mainApp.config(function($provider) { $provider.value("initialValue", 123); $provider.factory("getInUpperCase", function(wordStr) { return wordStr.toUpperCase(); }); } |
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<title>AngularJS - All in One- Simple Example</title> <script src=""></script> <script> var mainApp = angular.module("sampleNgApp", []); // Just a constant value for the webpages… mainApp.constant("SITE_HEADER", ""); // Initialize any value for the angular JS application… mainApp.value("initialWord", "Hello Word"); mainApp.config(function($provide) { $provide.provider('WordCountProvider', function() { this.$get = function() { var methodImpl = {}; console.log("Called Provider Implmentation -- WordCountProvider (Called Angular-JS Initialization)"); methodImpl.wordcount = function(wordStr) { wordStr = wordStr.replace(/[ ]{2,}/gi," "); var len = wordStr.split(' ').length; return len; } return methodImpl; }; }); }); // Just a factory method called once the Config/Provider variables and methods are initialized… mainApp.factory('LetterCountFactory', function() { console.log("Called Factory Implmentation -- LetterCountFactory"); var methodImpl = {}; methodImpl.letterCount = function(wordStr) { wordStr = wordStr.replace(" ",""); var len = wordStr.length; return len; } return methodImpl; }); // Service will be called after all the Factory and Config implementations are initialized and loaded….. mainApp.service('AbstractService', function(WordCountProvider, LetterCountFactory) { console.log("Called Service Implmentation -- AbstractService"); this.countword = function(str) { return WordCountProvider.wordcount(str); }; this.countLetter = function(str) { return LetterCountFactory.letterCount(str); }; }); // Controller acts a bridge between data present in $scope of angular JS, // and the HTML ng-app->ng-controller scope data // All the scope data and functions can be called/used within HTML (ng-controller) as shown below mainApp.controller('MyController', function($scope, SITE_HEADER, AbstractService, initialWord) { console.log("Called Controller -- MyController"+SITE_HEADER); // Called Initially when during page load… ng-app = "sampleNgApp" $scope.siteHeader = SITE_HEADER; $scope.inputwords = initialWord; $scope.wordcountresult = AbstractService.countword($scope.inputwords); $scope.lettercountresult = AbstractService.countLetter($scope.inputwords); // This scope function can be called only when called with HTML ng-controller tag, as present in the HTML Code… $scope.executeAllMethods =function() { console.log("Called Only when there is a ng-change -- executeAllMethods"); $scope.wordcountresult = AbstractService.countword($scope.inputwords); $scope.lettercountresult = AbstractService.countLetter($scope.inputwords); } }); </script> <div ng-app="sampleNgApp" ng-controller="MyController"> <h2>AngularJS Sample Application - {{siteHeader}}</h2> <p>Enter anything to count: <input type="text" ng-model="inputwords" ng-change="executeAllMethods()"> </p> <br> <h3>Word Count: {{wordcountresult}}</h3> <h3>Letter Count: {{lettercountresult}}</h3> |
HTML Page Output:
AngularJS Sample Application – {{siteHeader}}
Enter anything to count:
Word Count: {{wordcountresult}}
Letter Count: {{lettercountresult}}
Once the HTML/Angular-JS is executed, the console.log(“”) statements will be printed in the browser developer tools->console tab
(Press F12 for most browsers)
It will display the Order of methods initialised and called for the code above.
Console Output (F12 – Inspect – Browser Console)
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Called Provider Implmentation — WordCountProvider (Called Angular-JS Initialization) Called Factory Implmentation — LetterCountFactory Called Service Implmentation — AbstractService Called Controller — |