If you’re a fan of classic arcade games, you’ve probably played Brick Game before. It’s a simple game that involves maneuvering a paddle to hit a ball that bounces around, trying to break through a wall of bricks. In this article, we’ll show you how to create your own Brick Game in Java with Source … Continue reading “Brick Game in Java”
Category: Examples
ReactJS + Node JS in Heroku in Minutes
In this tutorial, we are going to deploy React JS(Front End) and Node JS(Back End) as a single application in Heroku Server. Without deploying in individual servers, we will deploy both React JS & Node JS in a single server., so that API calls can be connected only from our front end to Back end. … Continue reading “ReactJS + Node JS in Heroku in Minutes”
Snake Game – Java In 10 Minutes
Snake game is famous classic game, starting from handset mobile to latest mobile, it always has its own admirers. The goal of the game is the snake needs to catch its food and grow to a maximum. In this example we will see how we can implement the logic in Java. Logic: The game follows … Continue reading “Snake Game – Java In 10 Minutes”
All combinations of a String In Java
To find the combinations of a string, either the logic needs to use for loop or recursive loop. As for loop depends on the string length, for each loop we have to write the logic again, as more swapping will happen when try to get the combinations. Since swapping will happen recursively based on the … Continue reading “All combinations of a String In Java”
Images to PDF In Java (ITextPdf Library)
There are several open source libraries in Java helps to convert images to Java. Images can be of any valid types like jpg, jpeg, png, webp, tiff, bmp etc., ITextPdf library is one of the Java library which has more features require to do all type of operations in PDF. To Include ItextPdf library in … Continue reading “Images to PDF In Java (ITextPdf Library)”
Sudoku Solver (Applet) Java
Java Applet implementation of UI, to solve the sudoku Puzzle.
Java Applet implementation of UI, to solve the sudoku Puzzle.
Minesweeper In Java
Minesweeper is a classic video game created in 1990’s., The goal of this game is to find all the squares which dont have mines underneath. The game is designed with the logic of each squares or cells have following rules. Each square may be any one of the following: Contains a Mine which will explode … Continue reading “Minesweeper In Java”
Sudoku Solver Java
Sudoku is an interesting game of filling numbers from 1 to 9 with the logic of non repeating filling of numbers., which improves our solving skills and increase our solving strategies. The following code is developed in Java to solve any Sudoku game., by following Sudoku rules and also by randomly trying numbers if there … Continue reading “Sudoku Solver Java”